Our Story

Roland Christensen

Roland Christensen

Roland Christensen, Ph.D., was born in 1947, the youngest of six children, in the mile high city of Fayette Utah. Roland, along with his one brother and three sisters, was raised as a fourth gen eration citizen of Fayette.

Roland’s interest in g uns, like most young boys, started at age five, with a Benjamin Air Rifle. He probably took to heart the quick draw characteristics of Chuck Con ners, “The Rifleman”. While serving later in life as an officer with the U.S. Army, Roland entered a quick shoot contest with an air rifle. The contest started with firing at a plate thrown in the air and ended with Roland winning the contest by shooting an aspirin out of the air. No repeat request, please.

He graduated from Gunnison Valley High School, and the University of Utah with a Doctorate of Science on Mechanical Engineering. He then served with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. After an honorable discharge as a Captain, he worked for the next 12 years in various fiber science positions such as: Rocket Scientist for Hercules Inc, Director of Engineering of Fiber Science Division of Edo Corp, and Vice President of Engineering at Fibertek.

In 1985 Roland started his own company named ACT (Applied Composite Technology) at which he presently serves as President. ACT currently designs and sells prosthetic feet and knee parts world wide, and has captured 20% of the U.S. market. ACT is also a major player in aerospace manufacturing for civilians and the military.

In 1995, Dr. Roland Christensen created a company that was the basis of his Doctoral thesis, Custom Site. Custom Site is located in Roland’s hometown of Fayette, Utah, nestled in the mountains of Central Utah. For the past ten years, Custom Site has been manufacturing carbon barrel rifles that have taken the industry by storm. Roland started with a 22-250 called the “Carbon One” and has expanded that to include the Carbon One Custom, Carbon One Hunter, Carbon Ranger, Carbon Challenge, and Carbon Tactical, which are available in all popular calibers and most wildcat calibers. Over the last ten years, by example and testing, carbon barreled rifles have proven to have every advantage over steel barrels. It is because of these advantages, that rifle enthusiasts around the world are making Custom Site rifles the most sought after custom gun on the market. Custom Site now produces graphite stocks, which are one of the lightest and strongest stocks made, as well as, disruptor barrels (used to deactivate bombs), titanium muzzle brakes, with many other cutting edge products in the works.

Custom Site has also been a bright star in the onslaught of outdoor television programming. Christensen Outdoors has been growing in popularity for the past eight years. The Christensen Outdoors Team hunts around the world, but specializes in western big game, bringing nonstop action and huge trophies weekly on the Sportsman Channel. The adventures not only keep you coming back for more, but it serves as a showcase for the carbon rifles produced at Custom Site.

Custom Site is leading the rifle industry in cutting edge technology and will continue to do so year after year.

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